«Access All Areas» means that a lot of well known design companies and communication agencies, which are based in Wiesbaden, open their gates in order to let the public in. And there are events such as the «See Conference» or the DDC-exhibition «Good Design» and, and, and ... and there is a magazine introducing the creative heads of all participating agencies and institutions called, no wonder: «Access All Areas». Andreas Baier was asked to realise 24 portraits for it. Here are some of them.
The executive board of the design and shareholder company «Fuenfwerken AG» asked me to portray them; making «The Explorers» a strong subject. To photograph creatives can either be a nightmare or that what it was here in this case: a dream job.
Hochschule RheinMain (HSRM)
To make the new «Master-Studiengang» more popular to the students, the «Hochschule RheinMain» wanted to advertise portraits of their teachers in order to promote the advantages of the new system that are supposed to come along with it. To each portrait a personal statement of the teacher was added.
Wiesbaden Magazin
The «Wiesbaden-Magazin» is a supplement and as such also part of the «Frankfuter Allgemeine Zeitung» (FAZ) twice a year. Andreas Baier enjoys the luxurious advantage to regularly working for it.
Sometimes he portrays representatives of creative agencies and design companies in Wiesbaden, which - most of them - gained a serious profile of international reputation. Sometimes he is been doing photo-essays about happenings, such as the «Bambi-Verleigung» for which he created the cover (to the left).
Krimistadt Wiesbaden: Den Krimistipendiaten «Trio Mortale» gewährt das Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Wiesbaden vier Wochen das WG-ähnliche Wohnen in der «Villa Clementine gewährt, um ihnen das unbeschwingte Erstellen von Kriminalromanen zu ermöglichen. «Trio Mortale» sind: Beate Marian, Rainer Würth, Brigitte Glaser und im Hintergrund Richard Lifka. Location: Spielbank Wiesbaden. Hier – und nicht in Baden Baden – verspielte Dostojewski sein Geld.
Die «Kreativfabrik» ist ein unter einem großen Fabrikdach angesiedelter Verbund verschiedener Dienstleister, die in diversen kreativen Bereichen unterwegs sind.
Wirtschaftsdezernent Detlev Bendel
Die Förderung der Wiesbadener Wirtschaft ist die Hauptaufgabe des «Wiesbaden Magazin». Deshalb entstehen auch immer wieder Portraitbilder des Wirtschaftsdezernenten.
Bambi-Preisverleihung 2011
Projektion des Bambi-Artworks auf die Außenfassade des R+V-Gebäudes, das inzwischen einerseits leer andererseits jedoch unter Denkmalschutz steht.