On November the 8th in 2013 my mentor Carl Laszlo died at the age of 90 in Basel. Carl Laszlo was surely one of the great and most fascinating institutions in the international art and intellectual business. He survived the Holocaust while a major part of his family members were murdered; nevertheless he constantly insisted not having been a victim but a spectator sitting in the first row. 

His complete obituary: here.

The stock market guru André Kostolany said about him: «Carl Laszlo has a great and profound knowledge about the human soul.» The painter Christian Schad (1894-1982) wrote about his friend: «He’s someone who permanently walks between all fronts, not only in art.» And the Rumanian philosopher Emile Cioran Michel who gained his fame in France formulated the thesis: «For someone to whom had happened to what Carl Laszlo had to experience, everything on this earth is allowed.» «Nonsense,» replies Laszlo. «I never would have the idea to derive from my camp experience any special rights.»

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